All in the Disney FamilyA lot of people refer to themselves as "Disney families," but the Bundeys--Alex, his mother Kaye, his father Art, and his brother Ajay--take it one step further: not only are they all Disney fans who visit the parks, but they've also worked there, in front-line and managerial roles.
This is a story of love, family, and magic...
With those words, Alex Bundey begins this one-of-a-kind Disney memoir, written in turn by him and his family members, starting with his father's employment in the entertainment department at Epcot in the early 1980s (thus launching a 32-year career).
From hunkering down in the Magic Kingdom during Hurricane Frances, to being picked as member of the opening team for Hong Kong Disneyland, to teaching cast members at Disney University, to working on attractions like Living with the Land, the Bundeys' decades with Disney were exciting, wide-ranging, and most of all, the best times of their lives.