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Book Review Inquirie

we're happy to provide copies of our books to qualified reviewers.

You're a qualified reviewer if you (1) commit to reviewing the book and (2) have a substantial audience to read your review.

CommitmentRequesting a book commits you to reviewing that book within a reasonable time. Positive review, critical review—it doesn't matter, as long as there's a review, and that it appears within 4-6 weeks of us sending you the book.

AudienceA bigger audience is better, but there are no hard-and-fast rules on how much traffic your site or blog must generate before we'll send you a book. A small, loyal, responsive audience beats a big, fickle, flat-line audience.

If we've sent you a book for review in the past, but you haven't published a review, we regret that we won't be able to send you further books.

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